Our certifications


The ABVTEX Certificate is an important certification in the Brazilian textile industry, guaranteeing consumers that the products they buy meet strict standards of quality, ethics and safety. In this article, we will explore the meaning and importance of the ABVTEX Certificate in the industry, highlighting its benefits for both manufacturers and consumers.

What is the ABVTEX Certificate?

The ABVTEX Certificate is awarded by the Brazilian Textile Retail Association (ABVTEX – Associação Brasileira do Varejo Têxtil) to companies that comply with the guidelines established by the Supplier Certification Program (PCF). These guidelines cover a wide range of criteria, including working conditions, workers’ health and safety, environmental protection and product quality.

Benefits for Manufacturers:

For manufacturers, obtaining the ABVTEX Certificate is a seal of quality that demonstrates their commitment to excellence at every stage of production. As well as adding value to the brand, the certificate can open doors to new business opportunities, such as partnerships with large retailers who value compliance with ethical and environmental standards.

Benefits for Consumers:

For consumers, the ABVTEX Certificate offers peace of mind when buying textile products, guaranteeing that they have been produced ethically and sustainably. By choosing products with the ABVTEX seal, consumers can be sure that they are contributing to a more responsible and conscious textile sector, as well as receiving high quality products that are safe to use.

Impact on the Textile Industry:

The ABVTEX Certificate plays a fundamental role in improving working conditions and promoting sustainability in the Brazilian textile industry. By encouraging manufacturers to adopt responsible and ethical practices, the certificate contributes to building a more transparent and ethical supply chain, benefiting both workers and the environment.

In short, the ABVTEX Certificate is an important tool in the Brazilian textile industry, promoting standards of quality, ethics and safety across the entire supply chain. For both manufacturers and consumers, the certificate represents a commitment to excellence and responsibility, helping to build a more sustainable and ethical future for the textile sector.


Apa Confeccoes recently obtained PEIEX certification, marking an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to excellence and improvement in our export operations. This certificate represents not only recognition of the quality of our processes, but also validation of our commitment to promoting planned and safe export practices.

The Export Qualification Program (PEIEX) is an initiative designed to help Brazilian companies enter or expand their participation in the international market. Coordinated by the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Apex-Brasil), PEIEX offers expert training and advice to companies interested in exporting.

Through PEIEX, participating companies have access to a range of services, including a diagnosis of export potential, identification of target markets, guidance on the legal and logistical aspects of exporting, as well as support in drawing up international business plans. All this support is provided by specialized consultants with extensive experience in the international market.

By obtaining PEIEX certification, Apa reaffirms our commitment to quality, innovation and responsibility in all aspects of our export operations, as we continue to expand our horizons and solidify our presence in the international market.

Prime Energy Green Seal

The Prime Energy Group’s Clean Energy Seal, an exclusive certification for our partners, certifies the contracting of Electric Energy from Renewable Sources (Solar, Wind, PCH, CGH, among others).

The Sustainability Seal is accompanied by a certificate that follows as a reference the guidelines and good environmental practices of the Brazilian Ministry of Development and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency – USA), presenting the calculation carried out by our technical team of the amount of ton/CO2 (tons / carbon dioxide) that your company stopped emitting into the atmosphere, considering the period and amount of energy you contracted.

This way, your company, in addition to saving money with the Free Energy Market and contributing to sustainability guidelines, also has the help of the seal for communication.

If your company is already on the Free Energy Market, contact us for an evaluation. Now, if your company is not yet on the Free Energy Market, don’t waste any more time: send an invoice so we can carry out a feasibility analysis.

The environmental contribution can be very relevant; and the economy, very significant.

The Clean Energy Seal

Prime Energy certifies the amount of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) that will no longer be emitted into the atmosphere when purchasing an incentivized energy contract. You will receive a seal and a certificate showing the calculation of the amount of ton/CO2 (tons / carbon dioxide) that your company stopped emitting into the atmosphere, considering the period and amount of energy you contracted.

Who is it for?

For partners purchasing any amount of energy for more than one year of the contractual term.

How is the calculation done?

Combined with our knowledge and intelligence from more than 10 years in the market and an experienced team of professionals, we developed a methodology using as a reference the booklet of good sustainability practices, approved by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Development, and the Guidance Documents issued by EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency. We use these references to measure the environmental gain that exchanging the purchase of energy between commercialization environments can provide. The study is carried out from the clean energy acquisition period, which is compared with the global emission rate of the local distributor, which is calculated based on the composition of the sources in its portfolio.